The Dos and Don’ts of Press Release Writing: A Beginner’s Guide

Press release writing is an essential skill that every business owner should master. A well-written press release can help increase your brand’s visibility, generate media coverage, and attract potential customers. However, creating an effective press release can be challenging, especially if you’re new to the process. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll go over the dos and don’ts of press release writing.

The Dos

Have a clear objective

Before you start writing your press release, it’s essential to have a clear objective in mind. Are you announcing a new product or service? Are you launching a new website? Are you hosting an event? Knowing your objective will help you stay focused and ensure that your press release is clear and concise.

Use a catchy headline

Your headline is the first thing that journalists and potential customers will see. Therefore, it’s crucial to create a headline that is attention-grabbing and informative. Your headline should accurately summarize the news or announcement in your press release while being short and snappy.

Provide relevant information

Your press release should include all the relevant details related to your announcement or news. This includes the date, time, and location of an event, as well as any contact information for the company or spokesperson. Make sure that your press release is informative and easy to understand.

Use quotes

Including quotes from executives, customers, or industry experts can add credibility and a human touch to your press release. Quotes can help provide additional information and context while breaking up large blocks of text.

Keep it concise

Journalists and readers are busy, so it’s essential to keep your press release concise and to the point. Try to limit your press release to one or two pages, and use short paragraphs and bullet points to make it easier to read.

Include multimedia elements

Visuals such as images, infographics, or videos can help make your press release more engaging and shareable. Including multimedia elements can also help convey complex information or data more effectively.

Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping an organization’s direction, inspiring employees, and effectively communicating with various stakeholders. One essential tool for communicating important news or announcements is a press release.

A press release is a written statement provided to the media to announce significant developments, events, or updates within an organization. It is an official communication that is carefully crafted to convey key messages and generate media coverage.


The Don’ts

Don’t exaggerate or use hype

It’s important to stick to the facts when writing a press release. Avoid using hype or exaggeration, as this can turn off potential customers and journalists.

Don’t use jargon or technical terms

Unless you’re writing for a specific industry or audience, it’s best to avoid using jargon or technical terms. Your press release should be easy to understand and accessible to a broad audience.

Don’t be too promotional

While the goal of a press release is to promote your business or product, it’s essential to strike a balance between promotion and information. Avoid making your press release too promotional, as this can turn off potential customers and journalists.

Don’t forget to proofread

Before you send out your press release, make sure to proofread it carefully for spelling and grammatical errors. Typos and errors can make your press release appear unprofessional and may harm your brand’s credibility.

Don’t send it to the wrong people

It’s essential to target your press release to the right journalists and media outlets. Sending your press release to the wrong people can result in it being ignored or deleted.

Don’t forget to follow up

After you’ve sent out your press release, it’s essential to follow up with journalists and media outlets. This can help ensure that your press release is being considered for coverage.

Press release writing is a crucial skill for any business owner or marketer. By following these dos and don’ts, you can create a press release that is attention-grabbing, informative, and effective. Remember to have a clear objective, use a catchy headline, provide relevant information, and keep it concise.